Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Yoga Challenge

Before last summer, I was in a yoga phase (and if  you know me, you know that I'm a phase girl). Unfortunately, life happens. Between classes, software projects, and other business, I've forgotten that I need to take care of myself. It's ridiculous! I sleep late, eat junk, and ignore working out. I'm also so stressed! Not very alpha-female. Not being a good steward of my body.

That is enough. No more of that! I've vowed to revamp my lifestyle. In the next three weeks, in my own version/implementation of this challenge, I'm making a promise to myself to do the following:

1. Sleep before midnight.
2. Wake up before 6 a.m. (waking up early = productivity).
3. Yoga in the morning, everyday for at least 20 minutes.
4. Absolutely no junk food.
5. Water, water, water.
6. Pray more.

Since this post is dedicated to yoga, let's focus on it, shall we?

 I'm inviting you to my yoga challenge from now, August 10, 2010 to September 10, 2010 (yes, even during finals, Arra!) No, we are not aiming for Nirvana here, or some serious yogic meditation; we are aiming for a calmer spirit and fitter body. It's simple. Just do yoga everyday for at least 20 min! There is a catch --you have to record what you did everyday (and because I'm evil, comment on my blog often for the duration of the challenge). By September 16, I will draw a name from all the entries, and you will win....something-something special! I don't know yet...see a blog update. It's either a yoga class in Bikram Yoga Manila, a yoga mat, a movie date, a Belle de Jour Planner..something! (Suggestions welcome).

The downside is that yoga is expensive...If you are doing yoga at home, here is my dump of all the yoga workouts that I love. You have any? Post it on the comments!

P.S. To join the challenge, you have to say so in the comments section of this blog. Happy yoga :) 
If you are in the US, I will give your prize next time I'm in town. If you live outside of Manila or Southwest Missouri, I will mail you your prize. 



  1. Yes, yoga bonding! actually, i was thinking/planning it already...the thing is, where?

  2. Imma do it :P
    Actually I already downloaded videos and started yoga-ing 2 weeks ago? But not regularly. :<
    So I'm posing this as a challenge to myself if I can stick to a plan :))
    Here's to hoping I stick to the plan! :))
    <3 yaz

  3. I'd like to try this! I just bought a magazine with some yoga moves in it so I've been using those! Don't know how if I'll be able to wake up before 6 am during summer break though! haha I'll be napping alot if I do! But I think it's perfect for when I start school in 2 weeks!

    I'll do my best! :D

  4. Lil Miss Latina, the other "things" are personal goals of mine, actually. They are not part of the yoga challenge, girl! Only the 20 min of daily yoga is part of the challenge :) Love ya.
