Saturday, August 14, 2010

DIY Guide to a Restorative Weekend

Everyone deserves a nice, relaxing weekend after a long week at work, even though some people cannot submit to the idea of rest. They see it as a waste of time. In fact, I've heard some people say that they can't even have a full body massage because they can't make themselves not do anything! Unfortunately, these people are robbing themselves of one of the most yummy things in life, and the truth is, it's not only good for you, it is necessary for optimal work. Rest and relaxation are crucial if one wants to be as productive as possible. Without rest, you won't be taking care of your body, and it will eventually run down.

Here are some tips for a relaxing weekend, on-the-cheap!

1. Sleep-in! Yes, sleep-in for an extra hour. It feels sooo good.

2. Do some Yoga or Tai-chi for about 20 minutes. It will give you a calm mind, energized body, and fulfilled spirit. Greet the beautiful morning. Be thankful you are alive. :)

3. If you have stuffed your body full of junk during the weekend, it deserves some TLC. Treat your body to a day of good, yummy food. Here are some recipes I've encountered. Click on the pictures for the recipes. 

5. Get some spa time! First set the ambiance. Listen to spa music, like Yanni Pure Moods 2 or Polynesian Spa Music. Put on some candles and relax in your room.

  • Get a body massage. Or, try doing a self-massage.
  • Make your skin glow with a body scrub. Combine coffee grounds and olive oil for an awakening body scrub, Balinese style.
  • Soak your feet in warm water. After 15 minutes, scrub with regular sugar. 
  • Warm lotion:  Place your yummiest flavored lotion in a bowl of hot hot water. After 10 minutes, rub all over your body. You will not believe how glorious this feels.

6. At home facial
At Home FacialFashion Trends & Styles - Polyvore

At Home Facial by Frances Marie Advincula on

Step 1: Cleanse your face. 
Step 2: Steaming. Put some warm water in a bowl. Put your face near the water and cover you head with a towel for 10 min. 
Step 3:  Scrub you face gently with circular strokes.
Step 4: Put your favorite facial mask. 
Step 5: Either used sliced cucumbers or cold tea bags to soothe your eyes. Relax with mask for 20 min.
Step 6: Rinse mask away and moisturize.

7. Take a nap. Yes, take a nap. Love your body!

8. Spend time with your loved ones. Play a board game with them, or snuggle with your better half.

9. Bath. Take a nice long soak in your tub. Let some petals float in the water, and put on some votive candles. Just don't fall asleep.

10. Sip some herbal tea right before going to bed. Don't set an alarm clock and just let yourself relax. The more you let go, the more your body will heal. Spend some time praying before bed time. Be thankful of what you have.

There you have it! An enjoyable, cheap, and relaxing weekend! 

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